No. 1
EWA BEYGA, Use of force in the international relations - limitation of its use
NATALIA DANECKA, International cooperation within practical use of artificial satellites of the Earth
PAWEŁ GUTKOWSKI, Rescission from the remote contract (costs and place of returning the goods)
MARIA JĘDRZEJCZAK, Judicial control of discretionary decisions
KRZYSZTOF KALEMBA, Legal, social and economic effects of Euro currency implementation
KRYSTIAN KORZENIEWSKI, Global initiatives of united religions
GRACJAN KUPCZAK, Rebellious masses vs. democratic rule
KATARZYNA LANGE, New financial architecture of the European Union
TOMASZ LEWANDOWSKI, Robots and International Humanitarian Law Contemporary Challenges
PIOTR MICHALAK, Civil law contracts and the employment relationship, some remarks on unfavorable practice of supplanting employment contracts
JAKUB MICHALSKI, Origins and emerging of freelance legal professions
JAKUB MICHALSKI, Grounds to file cassation in court-administrative proceedings
MAŁGORZATA MNICHOWSKA, Contemporary trends and changes in doctor-patient relations
KRZYSZTOF PTASZYK, In praise of political meekness by Alexis de Tocqueville and Hannah Arendt
TADEUSZ STANIEWSKI, Gambling costs in the Polish law
LUCYNA STANISZEWSKA, Liability of the State Treasury for not issuing a judgment within a restricted time period – lengthiness of judicial proceedings
KATARZYNA SZCZEPAŃSKA, Definition of a consumer in EU "consumers' directives" and the judicature of the Court of Justice of the European Union – selected legal aspects
FILIP SZYMAŃSKI, Consumer's right to rescind the contract and the place of performance - interpretation problems
MARTA ŚWIEJKOWSKA, Consent of a patient with mental disorders vs. saving life